5 Ways That Tarot can Improve your Love Life

5 Ways That Tarot can Improve your Love Life

My internet died a while back, which led to an engineer coming to fix my phone line – and to us chatting about all things Tarot. (As we tend to do around here). Then, once my internet was fixed and he’d had a gander at my home page – i.e. this website! – he asked:

So how can Tarot improve my love life?

Which got me thinking. That’s what most people want to know, isn’t it? What can Tarot do for me? So here it is. The extended version of the answer I gave the telecom engineer…

How Tarot can improve your Love Life!


Clicking on any Tarot card on this page will take you to the general meaning of that Tarot card! (IMO of course) 😉 

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5 Ways That Tarot can improve your Love Life #lovetarot #tarotromance

1. Tarot cards can show how you are currently vibrating. 

(What you are emitting/putting out into the Universe and therefore attracting). 


How Tarot can improve your Love Life!

With the 9 of Pentacles, you could be full of gratitude and feelings of abundance – but also have a keen awareness of the fact that you are single. (And the more you pay attention to the “reality” that you’re single, the longer you’ll keep attracting the reality of being single!)

*I put reality in quotes because we create our so-called reality. It’s all a hologram, it truly is.

How Tarot can improve your Love Life!With the 5 of Cups, you could still be grieving over a past relationship and therefore putting out vibes of sorrow – as well as a lack of interest. 

See also:
The SANE way to read the Tarot cards for Yourself.


2. Tarot cards can show how they are currently vibrating.

(What they are emitting/putting out into the Universe and therefore attracting). 


How Tarot can improve your Love Life!How Tarot can improve your Love Life!With the King or Queen of Swords, they could have their defences up and/or be channelling all their energy into work.

This is probably due to something – or someone – making them feel the need to protect their heart and therefore inciting them to swear off love. (For the moment).

See also:
5 Reasons You Need a Tarot Reading for Love.



3. Tarot cards can show you the type of partners you’re currently attracting.


FOUR OF PENTACLES TAROT CARDWith the 4 of Pentacles – are they secure, stable, business
How Tarot can improve your Love Life!types or stagnant, uptight misers?

With the Knight of Cups – are they genuine romantic charmers or unavailable lovable rogues?

You decide!

See also:
The Fool-proof way to Remember the Tarot Court Cards.

4. Tarot cards can show you the type of partner that you actually need.


EIGHT OF PENTACLES TAROT CARD. How Tarot can improve your love life!With the 8 of Pentacles – is it someone practical, down-to-earth and good with their hands? 🙂


Or with The Devil – is it someone who’s overcome their demons and is hot in the sack? 😛 

See also: 

How to Manifest a Lover with the Tarot.



5. Tarot cards can show you how close you are to the love life that you want!


DEATH TAROT CARD How Tarot can improve your love life!

With Death, you’re not quite there yet – but a transformation is approaching when you will finally let go of the past.

THE SUN TAROT CARD - how Tarot can improve your love life!


With The Sun, you’re closer than close – keep smiling!

See also:

When will I meet my soulmate?


Want some easy Tarot spreads to try – to see how Tarot can improve your love life?

Try these super-useful, easy-peasy, three-card Tarot Spreads for Love!

Or has your relationship deteriorated to the point that you’re not sure if it’s worth the effort to fix? If so, these Tarot spreads from Labyrinthos may help! 😎  

 Want help using your Tarot cards?

Easy Peasy Tarot Card Meanings
is the magical guide you’ve been waiting for. 

A lively, modern, user-friendly handbook that makes reading the Tarot cards effortless.

You can find out more and buy your copy HERE.  
Learn Tarot!

And you can grab FREE simple but powerful

Tarot spreads that always bring results

for love, right here!

Why you need an email Tarot reading for love

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Hi, I’m Ali. A Tarot and Astrology wizard on a mission to transform your love-life. I believe in love, freedom, mojitos and bright colours and want to put the romance back into your life! Like my work? Buy me a coffee 😍

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