5 Happiness Hacks to attract love

5 Happiness Hacks to raise your vibration and attract love

As a Tarot reader who specializes in love, I’ve mentioned before on this blog that the question I’m most frequently asked is: “When will I find Love?” and, hmmm… apart from the fact that Tarot is pretty screwy when it comes to timeframes, the annoying answer to that question (without even touching my Tarot cards) is:

You will find true love when you are a vibrational match to the love that you are seeking!

Told you it was annoying.

Because the love you desire has already manifested on the non-physical plane. (In your Vortex).  It is done!  And all you have to do now to attract love is to become a vibrational match to it.  You will manifest the love that you seek in the “real” world as soon as your vibration matches the frequency of the love that’s in your Vortex!

Which basically means: “Get Happy“. 😛

You don’t even have to think about the love that you want in order to attract love. (TBH, that’s probably even a dangerous idea, as you may well find yourself dwelling on the lack of it – and therefore be a vibrational match to a lack of love!)

5 Happiness Hacks you can do RIGHT NOW to raise your vibration and attract love! Tarot Romance

You just need to be vibrating (feeling) at a similar frequency to how you will feel when you do attract love. (Think back to all your previous relationships – assuming they were happy at the beginning – were you miserable the moment just before you met? Didn’t think so!)

Here’s how to get to happy right now…

5 Happiness Hacks you can do RIGHT NOW to raise your vibration and attract love!

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5 Happiness hacks to raise your vibration and attract love! #love #lawofattraction #abrahamhicks #happiness #vibration #6ofcups

1. Turn the music up! 

And sing along. Or better still – dance! Endorphins. Works every time.  🙂

2. Go outside.

Listen to the birdsong. Watch the squirrels – or your dog – play. Hug a tree. Being in nature (even a city park) always raises our vibrations.

3. Drink more water.

We all know how good it is for us. But we still don’t do it. (Guilty!) But if “infinite intelligence” AKA  Abraham even bangs on about it, I think it’s time we took notice!

Of course, wine works temporarily too.  😉 

4. Meditate.

Just ten minutes a day listening to the clock ticking is enough to get you out of your own way (i.e. stop the mind chatter). This will reset your vibration and align you with your inner being (in the Vortex). And the first likely manifestation after a few days of regular meditating? – being insanely happy for no reason!

I blog about how to meditate here.  

5. Smile!

The minute you wake up! And focus on what you are grateful for. Science has discovered that smiling not only boosts our immune systems, it actually makes us happy!

Still finding it hard to smile?

Watch these videos. 😎

Or get a Tarot reading for love here.

These books are pretty helpful too:

Ask and it is Given (click the book below) is everything you need to know about The Law of Attraction.
5 Happiness Hacks to raise your vibration and attract love!

And The Vortex (click the book below) is the BEST EVER book I’ve read on the subject of relationships and the Law of Attraction. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

And if you’re wondering how to get through Valentine’s Day, you can read my Survival Guide here!

PS: This game looks interesting…


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Why you need an email Tarot reading for love

PSSTPSST… WANNA SPEEDY WAY TO SOLVE YOUR CURRENT DILEMMAS? My ebook: ‘Easy Peasy Tarot Card Meaningsis the magical guide you’ve been waiting for.  
A lively, modern, user-friendly handbook that makes reading the Tarot cards effortless.
You can find out more and buy your copy HERE.  

* A couple of links on this page are affiliate links, which means I get a few pennies – at no cost to you – should you choose to purchase, but I only recommend stuff I truly believe to be useful and that I totally love!


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Hi, I’m Ali. A Tarot and Astrology wizard on a mission to transform your love-life. I believe in love, freedom, mojitos and bright colours and want to put the romance back into your life! Like my work? Buy me a coffee 😍

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