Panic and the Seven of Cups

Panic and the Seven of Cups


I have to admit that my thoughts aren’t always positive.


I remember years ago in my Tarot adventure, so eager was I to gain practice reading the cards that I gave a shout-out to a Tarot group I belonged to at the time…

That was met with a chorus of “Fab idea! Let’s email each other questions!”

So I did.


I racked my brain to come up with questions for twenty fellow Tarot students and fired them off.

And immediately had two replies – and two Tarot readings to do.




I constructed spreads to suit the questions, sent out a prayer to the universe….and got to work.

And two fellow students did the same.


We quickly exchanged impressive readings.

And then…




Panic and the Seven of Cups. My thoughts aren’t always positive. So in an effort to find some calm, I pulled a Tarot card for myself: The Seven of Cups. And really panicked! Tarot Romance. #tarotcardmeanings #tarotcards #7ofCups #sevenofcups


Where were all my other comrades keen to exchange readings?

I had cleared my weekend in preparation for the deluge!


But however many times I refreshed my email…




So what did I do?




The weekend swirled by in a blur of anxiety, with questions of my self-worth spiralling out of control until I had denigrated my ability as a Tarot reader to zilch.


And in an effort to find some calm, I pulled a Tarot card for myself:


The Seven of Cups.

Panic and the Seven of Cups. My thoughts aren’t always positive. So in an effort to find some calm, I pulled a Tarot card for myself: The Seven of Cups. And really panicked! Tarot Romance. #tarotcardmeanings #tarotcards #7ofCups #sevenofcups


And really panicked.


The Seven of Cups?


The Seven of Cups… Choices, too many choices……dissipated focus……wasting time on daydreams…….turning fantasies into reality……. seeing things from a new perspective……changing our way of viewing things…


Aha.  The Seven of Cups!


That light-bulb moment.


What had I been focusing on?




That people were not emailing me with their questions.

That I wasn’t getting practice.

That I had wasted a whole weekend.


And the universe was responding beautifully to my vibrations.


But I needed practice!






You know what? I had exchanged two readings.


And that was awesome.




From there it was a hop, skip and a jump to a whole slew of life-affirming thoughts.
And oh boy, what a beautiful day it is out there today.


I hadn’t even noticed the sun was shining.


And my phone rang.


A friend wanted a Tarot reading.


What a wonderful world.

Grab free WINNING Tarot spreads that bring RESULTS for love here…

FREE TAROT SPREADS FOR LOVE - questions to ask the Tarot about love

for LOVE

PSSTPSST… WANNA SPEEDY WAY TO SOLVE YOUR CURRENT DILEMMAS? My ebook: ‘Easy Peasy Tarot Card Meanings’ is the magical guide you’ve been waiting for. A lively, modern, user-friendly handbook that makes reading the Tarot cards effortless.  You can find out more and buy your copy HERE.  


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Hi, I’m Ali. A Tarot and Astrology wizard on a mission to transform your love-life. I believe in love, freedom, mojitos and bright colours and want to put the romance back into your life! Like my work? Buy me a coffee 😍

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